intrep2.gif (13897 bytes) Intrepid Research Consulting



Customer Satisfaction

Market Sizing and Segmentation

Concept Testing

Product Development

Data Collection Methodologies

About IRC

Contact IRC

At Intrepid Research Consulting, our name is our business philosophy.

Intrepid because we help you boldly conquer your business issues.  Research Consulting because our mission is to work closely with you to design the highest quality research as a foundation for marketing and product development solutions.

By providing quality research and strategic recommendation, we strive to make decisions easier for you.  Each of our projects is a partnership between IRC and you.  We succeed by providing actionable results!

IRC provides strategic services to assist companies with:

Customer Satisfaction:  How can I serve my customers better? We can help you find out what your customers think and how to offer the right service.

Market Sizing and Segmentation: Who are my best prospects?  We can show you who is likely to be interested in your products or services, how to target the right customers, and evaluate your market potential.

Concept Testing: Will this Idea work? We will help you determine the level of interest in your new products or services, before you spend the money on development.

Product Development:  Which features should I include? IRC will show you which features customers value and how to package and price your products.

IRC's full-service solutions include the latest quantitative and qualitative techniques to ensure the most reliable and relevant results for your business questions.